A Preliminary Climatology of the Spectrum of Vertical Velocity Observed by Clear-Air Doppler Radar

W. L. Ecklund ◽  
K. S. Gage ◽  
G. D. Nastrom ◽  
B. B. Balsley
Robert Cifelli ◽  
Steven A. Rutledge ◽  
Dennis J. Boccippio ◽  
Thomas Matejka

2020 ◽  
Marcus Klingebiel ◽  
Heike Konow ◽  
Bjorn Stevens

<p>Mass flux is a key parameter to represent shallow convection in global circulation models. To estimate the shallow convective mass flux as accurately as possible, observations of this parameter are necessary. Prior studies from Ghate et al. (2011) and Lamer et al. (2015) used Doppler radar measurements over a few months to identify a typical shallow convective mass flux profile based on cloud fraction and vertical velocity. In this study, we extend their observations by using long term remote sensing measurements at the Barbados Cloud Observatory (13° 09’ N, 59° 25’ W) over a time period of 30 months and check a hypothesis by Grant (2001), who proposed that the cloud base mass flux is just proportional to the sub-cloud convective velocity scale. Therefore, we analyze Doppler radar and Doppler lidar measurements to identify the variation of the vertical velocity in the cloud and sub-cloud layer, respectively. Furthermore, we show that the in-cloud mass flux is mainly influenced by the cloud fraction and provide a linear equation, which can be used to roughly calculate the mass flux in the trade wind region based on the cloud fraction.</p><p> </p><p>References:<br>Ghate,  V.  P.,  M.  A.  Miller,  and  L.  DiPretore,  2011:   Vertical  velocity structure of marine boundary layer trade wind cumulus clouds. Journal  of  Geophysical  Research: Atmospheres, 116  (D16), doi:10.1029/2010JD015344.</p><p>Grant,  A.  L.  M.,  2001:   Cloud-base  fluxes  in  the  cumulus-capped boundary layer. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 127 (572), 407–421, doi:10.1002/qj.49712757209.</p><p>Lamer, K., P. Kollias, and L. Nuijens, 2015:  Observations of the variability  of  shallow  trade  wind  cumulus  cloudiness  and  mass  flux. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120  (12), 6161–6178, doi:10.1002/2014JD022950.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 144 (11) ◽  
pp. 4221-4244 ◽  
Dan Welsh ◽  
Bart Geerts ◽  
Xiaoqin Jing ◽  
Philip T. Bergmaier ◽  
Justin R. Minder ◽  

Abstract The distribution of radar-estimated precipitation from lake-effect snowbands over and downwind of Lake Ontario shows more snowfall in downwind areas than over the lake itself. Here, two nonexclusive processes contributing to this are examined: the collapse of convection that lofts hydrometeors over the lake and allows them to settle downwind; and stratiform ascent over land, due to the development of a stable boundary layer, frictional convergence, and terrain, leading to widespread precipitation there. The main data sources for this study are vertical profiles of radar reflectivity and hydrometeor vertical velocity in a well-defined, deep long-lake-axis-parallel band, observed on 11 December 2013 during the Ontario Winter Lake-effect Systems (OWLeS) project. The profiles are derived from an airborne W-band Doppler radar, as well as an array of four K-band radars, an X-band profiling radar, a scanning X-band radar, and a scanning S-band radar. The presence of convection offshore is evident from deep, strong (up to 10 m s−1) updrafts producing bounded weak-echo regions and locally heavily rimed snow particles. The decrease of the standard deviation, skewness, and peak values of Doppler vertical velocity during the downwind shore crossing is consistent with the convection collapse hypothesis. Consistent with the stratiform ascent hypothesis are (i) an increase in mean vertical velocity over land; and (ii) an increasing abundance of large snowflakes at low levels and over land, due to depositional growth and aggregation, evident from flight-level and surface particle size distribution data, and from differences in reflectivity values from S-, X-, K-, and W-band radars at nearly the same time and location.

2005 ◽  
Vol 44 (6) ◽  
pp. 768-788 ◽  
Qingnong Xiao ◽  
Ying-Hwa Kuo ◽  
Juanzhen Sun ◽  
Wen-Chau Lee ◽  
Eunha Lim ◽  

Abstract In this paper, the impact of Doppler radar radial velocity on the prediction of a heavy rainfall event is examined. The three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) system for use with the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–NCAR Mesoscale Model (MM5) is further developed to enable the assimilation of radial velocity observations. Doppler velocities from the Korean Jindo radar are assimilated into MM5 using the 3DVAR system for a heavy rainfall case that occurred on 10 June 2002. The results show that the assimilation of Doppler velocities has a positive impact on the short-range prediction of heavy rainfall. The dynamic balance between atmospheric wind and thermodynamic fields, based on the Richardson equation, is introduced to the 3DVAR system. Vertical velocity (w) increments are included in the 3DVAR system to enable the assimilation of the vertical velocity component of the Doppler radial velocity observation. The forecast of the hydrometeor variables of cloud water (qc) and rainwater (qr) is used in the 3DVAR background fields. The observation operator for Doppler radial velocity is developed and implemented within the 3DVAR system. A series of experiments, assimilating the Korean Jindo radar data for the 10 June 2002 heavy rainfall case, indicates that the scheme for Doppler velocity assimilation is stable and robust in a cycling mode making use of high-frequency radar data. The 3DVAR with assimilation of Doppler radial velocities is shown to improve the prediction of the rainband movement and intensity change. As a result, an improved skill for the short-range heavy rainfall forecast is obtained. The forecasts of other quantities, for example, winds, are also improved. Continuous assimilation with 3-h update cycles is important in producing an improved heavy rainfall forecast. Assimilation of Doppler radar radial velocities using the 3DVAR background fields from a cycling procedure produces skillful rainfall forecasts when verified against observations.

2011 ◽  
Vol 68 (8) ◽  
pp. 1549-1567 ◽  
Stephen R. Guimond ◽  
Mark A. Bourassa ◽  
Paul D. Reasor

Abstract Despite the fact that latent heating in cloud systems drives many atmospheric circulations, including tropical cyclones, little is known of its magnitude and structure, largely because of inadequate observations. In this work, a reasonably high-resolution (2 km), four-dimensional airborne Doppler radar retrieval of the latent heat of condensation/evaporation is presented for rapidly intensifying Hurricane Guillermo (1997). Several advancements in the basic retrieval algorithm are shown, including 1) analyzing the scheme within the dynamically consistent framework of a numerical model, 2) identifying algorithm sensitivities through the use of ancillary data sources, and 3) developing a precipitation budget storage term parameterization. The determination of the saturation state is shown to be an important part of the algorithm for updrafts of ~5 m s−1 or less. The uncertainties in the magnitude of the retrieved heating are dominated by errors in the vertical velocity. Using a combination of error propagation and Monte Carlo uncertainty techniques, biases are found to be small, and randomly distributed errors in the heating magnitude are ~16% for updrafts greater than 5 m s−1 and ~156% for updrafts of 1 m s−1. Even though errors in the vertical velocity can lead to large uncertainties in the latent heating field for small updrafts/downdrafts, in an integrated sense the errors are not as drastic. In Part II, the impact of the retrievals is assessed by inserting the heating into realistic numerical simulations at 2-km resolution and comparing the generated wind structure to the Doppler radar observations of Guillermo.

2006 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 343-348
W. E. Lewis ◽  
G. J. Tripoli

Abstract. Recently, a number of investigations have been made that point to the robust effectiveness of the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) in convective-scale data assimilation. These studies have focused on the assimilation of ground-based Doppler radar observations (i.e. radial velocity and reflectivity). The present study differs from these investigations in two important ways. First, in anticipation of future satellite technology, the impact of assimilating spaceborne Doppler-retrieved vertical velocity is examined; second, the potential for the EnKF to provide an alternative to instrument-based microphysical retrievals is investigated. It is shown that the RMS errors of the analyzed fields produced by assimilation of vertical velocity alone are in general better than those obtained in previous studies: in most cases assimilation of vertical velocity alone leads to analyses with small errors (e.g. <1 ms-1 for velocity components) after only 3 or 4 assimilation cycles. The microphysical fields are notable exceptions, exhibiting lower errors when observations of reflectivity are assimilated together with observations of vertical velocity, likely a result of the closer relationship between reflectivity and the microphysical fields themselves. It is also shown that the spatial distribution of the error estimates improves (i.e. approaches the true errors) as more assimilation cycles are carried out, which could be a significant advantage of EnKF model-based retrievals.

Xian Xiao ◽  
Juanzhen Sun ◽  
Xiushu Qie ◽  
Zhuming Ying ◽  
Lei Ji ◽  

AbstractA proof-of-concept method for the assimilation of total lightning observations in the 4DVAR framework is proposed and implemented into the Variational Doppler Radar Analysis System (VDRAS). Its performance is evaluated for the very-short-term precipitation forecasts of a localized convective event over northeastern China. The lightning DA scheme assimilated pseudo observations for vertical velocity fields derived from observed total lightning rates and statistically computed vertical velocity profile from VDRAS analysis data. To reduce representative errors of the derived vertical velocity, a distance-weighted horizontal interpolation is applied to the input data prior to the DA. The case study reveals that although 0–2 hour precipitation nowcasts are improved by assimilating lightning data alone compared to CTRL (no radar or lightning) and RAD (radar only), better results are obtained when the lightning data are assimilated with radar data simultaneously. The assimilation of both data sources results in improved dynamical consistency with enhanced updraft and latent heat as well as improved moisture distributions. Additional experiments are conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the combined DA scheme to varied vertical velocity profiles, radii of horizontal interpolation, binning time intervals, and relationships used to estimate the maximum vertical velocity from lightning flash rates. It is shown that the scheme is robust to these variations with both radar and lightning assimilated data.

2011 ◽  
Vol 68 (8) ◽  
pp. 1676-1702 ◽  
Jana Lesak Houser ◽  
Howard B. Bluestein

Abstract Kelvin–Helmholtz waves were observed by the Twin Lakes, Oklahoma (KTLX), Weather Surveillance Radar-1988 Doppler (WSR-88D); the Norman, Oklahoma (KOUN), polarimetric WSR-88D; and the polarimetric Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) radars on 30 November 2006 during a winter storm in central Oklahoma. The life cycle and structure of the waves are analyzed from the radar data, and the nearby atmospheric conditions are examined. The initial perturbations associated with the waves are first evident only in the radars’ radial velocity fields. As the waves mature, perturbations become discernable in the reflectivity factor Z and spectrum width (SW) fields of both radars, and in the differential reflectivity Zdr and, to a lesser extent, the cross-correlation coefficient ρhv fields of KOUN. As the waves break and begin to dissipate, the perturbations subside. A dual-Doppler analysis is synthesized to examine the kinematic structure of the waves and to relate the polarimetric observations to the kinematics. It is determined that Z and Zdr are enhanced in regions of upward motion (wave crests), and ρhv is reduced in the same vicinity and near the base of the wave circulations. Vertical velocity perturbations transport horizontal momentum upward and downward, inducing horizontal wind perturbations that are approximately 90° out of phase and downstream from their corresponding vertical velocity perturbations. Perturbations in Z, Zdr, and ρhv are observed in the vicinity of wave crests while SW perturbations occur predominately in and just upstream from wave troughs. It is determined that perturbations in the polarimetric variables are a result of the waves modifying local precipitation microphysics. Perturbations in Z and Zdr are hypothesized to be the result of columnar ice crystal generation whereas those in ρhv likely result from the mixing of ice crystals of various shapes and sizes. Perturbations in SW are a result of turbulent motions likely associated with wave breaking and downward advection of a strong shear layer.

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